DPC Photo Night November 8, 2023
November 5, 2023
In-House Digital Competition November 29, 2023
December 4, 2023Members! Get your prints ready, we’re heading into Kin Village this Wednesday, November 22!
The format will be similar to the Print Night in October continuing with the less formal exposition of members printed works on display tables with photo rails and an easel. The October meeting was a fun evening.
Once again we’ll have Francois Cleroux to lead us. This time he will go into some of the finer aspects of judging print work in order to help us get the most out of our printed photographs.
What to bring? Bring something different from last time, again no particular theme, and prints do not need to be recent. Please bring some of your best/favourite printed images for members to see how good the quality of the work is in the club. Generally, prints are 8×10 inches or larger and should be mounted on 16×20 mat board, although we will accept any size prints. They should be mounted on some sort of heavy stock so that they can be propped up without curling and falling off an easel. Framed prints will be fine too though be careful if there is glass.
With the short notice, please bring up to 5 images and we’ll show what we have space for.
Don’t be shy, show us what you have been up to!!
When: Wednesday, November 22nd @ 7:30PM (If you are bringing prints please arrive for 7:15)
Where: Kin Village Community Centre, 5410 10th Ave Delta BC
Print Night Committee – Francois Cleroux printnight@deltaphotoclub.com