Results for In House B/W Competition April 21, 2021
May 4, 2021
My Pic Your Edit Challenge
May 16, 2021We’re nearing the end of this season and despite the year we’ve had, I feel we as photographers have taken some amazing photos and have developed a lot of skills. What better time to share the best of the season.
This month we’re pausing and taking a breath to ensure everyone gets a chance to share their image(s). This means a change in the previous format. I always felt that my role was to ensure members got to showcase their images and have a chance to discuss the stories behind the image, the techniques employed to take the image and last but not least, ways to improve the image..
There will still be categories for inspiration and you get to choose which category your image(s) best fit into. But, the main difference is in the presentation and required numbering of your images. You get to prioritize the order in which you want to discuss or present your images. Number one (1) will be the image that you want to feature and if desired, discuss with members or ask for feedback on. Number two (2) is the next priority. Our new focus will be ensuring everyone gets to show their number one image with enough time for discussion. If time permits members will share and discuss their number 2’s etc. Members can submit up to 5 images in any of the three categories. Please note the new naming format.
We have 3 categories this month: Best in Show; My Project; and Open. Best in show (BIS) is the image you took this year that tells the your most important moment/story and that you are proud to have taken or composed. Your My Project image could be an example of a project you want ot work on, are working on or just a topic you’re very much interested in. Lastly, there is the Open category to show whatever image you’d like to share with the group.
Categories are: Best in Show (BIS); My Project (MP); and Open.
In addition to this month’s themes and new format, I would like to extend a challenge that will be a year long undertaking and will culminate next year at this time. This project was inspired from others but I find it not only challenging but interesting as well. What I’d like to ask everyone to do is to take an image of the same location, space, or item, in all four (4) of our seasons . The idea is that this location/space/item will change with the seasons and therefore represent all the changes that come each time our seasons and weather change. My thoughts for presentation is in either a linear or composite format, or in any digital format that works. And that members’ images will be shown at the end of the four seasons (this time next year). I don’t want to provide too much guidace because I think we are a creative group and who knows where your imaginations will take you. Note: the image you take this season (spring) isn’t shown this photo night, but will become a project/image you will share of all 4 images, next year at this time.
Note: This month each member can submit up to 5 images and can be from any of the three categories: Best in Show; My Project or Open.
Members can also send short slideshows or videos.
Check the newsletter sent via Mailchimp. To join the virtual meeting, go to the link provided and click to join the meeting. If prompted, type in the meeting ID number and password.
Remember, for the best display quality, images should be resized to a maximum width of 1920 pixels and a maximum height of 1080 pixels. This may not be possible with cell/tablet images so please send us the largest image possible, up to the limits indicated above.
It is important to name your files as shown below so that they can be sorted and everyone’s image can be shown.
– 1-LastnameFirstname-category-
FOR EXAMPLE 1-EganHolly-BIS-Ascending.jpg
– 2-LastnameFirstname-category-
FOR EXAMPLE 2-EganDavid-BIS-Hawk.jpg
Use 3 for 3rd image etc.
FOR EXAMPLE 3-EganHolly-Open-Wind in the Trees.jpg
– Vid_YourName_VideoTitle
– Slide_YourName_SlideshowTitle
Images should be uploaded to: https://deltaphotoclub.com/
Videos and slideshows are best to be sent via a free program such as We Transfer. and submitted to photonight@deltaphotoclub.com
See you online and thanks for submitting images!
Holly Egan