Inter-club Print Night - April 30, 2025 will take place on 04/30/2025 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are two FAQ's for Print Night and Print Competitions. Please note that rules and regulations are different for club nights and that EVERY competition has its own sets of rules and guidelines. Please read carefully.
If you have a specific question about a competition that isn't answered below, please check the Print Competition Event Listing for Links to the Host Clubs Website. If all else fails, please send a message to the Print Competitions Chair.
Print Night FAQ
Images will be displayed one at a time on an easel with appropriate lighting. Images will be critiqued and scored if receiving an 8, 9 or 10 (out of 10) if we have no guest Judge. If we have a guest judge, images will all be judged (5 thru 10) unless you place your images in the NO SCORE pile. Members will have an opportunity to ask questions about images from the evening.
Members can bring up to 3 images for print night but we will only get to however many images we can till 9:30pm. Themed images will be shown first. Please note that competition guidelines are different and we ask you to read through the 'Print Competition FAQ' located below for more information.
In this day and age of phones and pocket cameras sharing images on Instagram or Facebook or simply viewing them on a monitor, it is hard to see how good (or bad) the technical qualities of your images really are. By printing larger prints, the photographer can see imperfections, flaws and problem areas and can make corrections to their in-camera techniques or in post processing.
Larger quality prints can help the photographer evaluate composition and balance within an image and can help fine tune a final perfect print. Large prints also allow the photographer to view their beautiful images in their full glory. Think about hanging them on the wall!
Modern day digital printing also allows you to choose what materials to print on. From real darkroom day papers, to darkroom like papers in High Gloss, Pearl or Matt finishes. You can also print on Canvas, Acrylic, Glass, Wood or Metal!
Each month club members are encouraged to produce images based upon a specific photo assignment or 'Theme'.
The purpose of the Print Night Photo Themes is to get club members to take new pictures, not to find or dig up old images that satisfy the assignment in existing photo files.
The Themes are also meant to challenge members with new concepts and ideas and to move members out of their comfort zone. So get up, get your camera, and start shooting!
Standard Lab Prints can be printed at London Drugs or more cost effectively at Costco. Higher Quality Lab prints can be printed at Photo Expert in the Scottsdale Centre Mall on 120th in Delta (7131 120 St, Delta, BC V4E 2A9). Let them know you are a Delta Photo CLub Member for your discount.
Choosing a print paper finish from a lab (Glossy, Pearl, Semi-Gloss (Pearl and Semi-Gloss being called a Matt Paper in Photo Labs)) or from an Inkjet Paper (Glossy, Pearl, Semi-Gloss or a real Matt finish) is your choice as an artist. But, often, one finish works better than another. Experiment!
You can and are encouraged to learn to print your own prints using a Photo Quality Printer. Although printing is an art all on its own, it is a very rewarding experience. Look to Epson and Canon high end printers.
Very High Quality Inkjet Prints can be made by the following:
Rick Pelletier in Ladner - rzone710@gmail.com (Note that Rick is an excellent printer and he can print 24" by however long or wide.)
Tricera Imaging Vancouver - www.tricera.ca - 1830 West 5th Avenue (Run by accomplished photographer Michael Levin, they specialize in Epson Printers, Supplies of Various Inks and Papers and printing Services and can print on 44" rolls!)
Prints can be any size from a minimum of 8" x 10” to a maximum of 16" x 20". Panoramic prints can be 16" high by as wide as you like.
Note that in competitions, the Panorama Print must fit into or on a 16" x 20" Matte or Board.
Please write The Title and Your Name on the back of the backing board at the top right hand side. This indicates which way is up. The top right is the prefered location and is required for Competitions.
Note that in competition, images will be displayed with the label located on the back at the top right, even if it renders the image sideways or upside down!
Images should matted within a black or white (recommended) 16" x 20" matte with a backing board. Although double mattes and any color matte is acceptable, selecting a black or white matte is recommended. It is important to use a backing board to protect the print. Note that 16" x 20" prints will not be matted but will rather be edge to edge on a backing board only. Matting material should be standard 4 Ply matt board.
Backing boards should be standard 4 ply boards but for Club Prints Nights, 2 ply boards, foam core board or even cardboard will suffice. Note that for competitions, backing boards MUST be 4 ply board.
We do not ever recommend not using a backing board as images can easily be damaged. The club will NOT be responsible for damaged prints that have no backing board. Please make sure your backing board has no sticky surfaces from old tape or old removed labels as it can damage other prints when they are stacked.Please mount your images to the backing board or the Matte using proper tape. Artists ATG tape is recommended. NOT Recommended is painters tape or removable Scotch tape as they will not hold properly under the heat of the lights and when the print falls off the board material it can get damaged.
Re-Usable mattes can be made and are a good cost effective solution.
Print night images will be critiqued by the Print Night host or by a guest Critic or Judge. Critique will cover both technical and artistic values. There is always an opportunity for Q&A making Print Night a valuable learning tool.
If the images get Judged, they will be Judged based on a 1 to 10 ranking. Typical marks are from 5 to 10.
Where do I buy supplies?
Mattes, Backing Boards, ATG Tape and other supplies are available at various stores like London Drugs, Michaels, DeSerres, and Sublime Art Materials in the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall. Note that Mattes can be purchased in pieces or as a set of Matte, Backing Board and Bag.
The week before Print Nights, Mattes are made available for purchase by Francois at the club in various sizes and in standard Black or White.
In the "Members Only" area, there is a Supplies PDF that can be downloaded.
If you have any questions please contact the Print Night Coordinators listed in the Club, Executives Menu, or speak to them directly on most club nights.