Workshop: “Human:Nature” by Kevin Lanthier
December 28, 2021
DPC Photo Night
January 7, 2022Competition Selection on January 26th
We will be selecting our club images for the annual 38th North Shore Photographic Challenge competition on Wednesday January 26th. The deadline for submitting images is noon on Sunday January 23rd.
Please note the submission deadline. Images are sent out for judging that afternoon.
Summary of details:
– this is an Open competition so all types of images work and digital manipulation is allowed. It must be your photograph and cannot have been entered in previous North Shore Challenges. Images used in other CAPA competitions are allowed.
– maximum width is 1400 pixels, maximum height is 1050 pixels.
– label your images as follows: #-YourName-ImageTitle.jpg. For example:
– colour space is sRGB.
– each member can submit up to 3 images.
– Greg Schurman has kindly agreed to be our judge – thank you!
– all the images with their scores will be shown on Wednesday January 26th.
– the highest scoring 6 images from different makers will go into the competition.
We look forward to a wide variety of images from many of our members, every member is encouraged to submit an image.
If your image is not selected by the club, you may still enter up to 3 images in the competition as an individual. You do not need to be a member of CAPA to enter.
A photographer who has a club image entered may also enter a different image as an individual.
The deadline for individuals to enter is February 12.
Critique session to prepare for competition selection – January 19th
There will also be an in-house critique session on Wednesday January 19th for images that members are thinking of submitting for selection in the competition.
More information to come nearer the time.
North Shore Photographic Challenge on March 5th
As COVID is still with us the competition will be an ON-LINE event on Saturday March 5th – mark your calendars!
By being on-line again it will allow Challenge participants from across BC & the Yukon, as well as their fellow club members, family & friends to see the show, interact with sponsors showing their latest gear in break out rooms, sign up for CAPA courses, win door prizes & vote in the People’s Choice competition (digital images instead of prints).
Due to the success of last year’s Keynote Speaker, this year there will be 2 award winning photographers, Connor Stefanison & Jess Findlay, starting at 4:00pm.
They will share their stories of nature photography from the field & key lessons learned.
Tickets to the show, including the Keynote Speech, cost $15 and are available on-line now.
For full details, including how to get your tickets & how to enter as an individual, please see the link below:
North Shore Photographic Society (nsps.ca)
Lien, Vinh & Paula