DPC is Going Online
March 24, 2020Virtual DPC Digital Night
March 26, 2020- GeorgePierce-Elegance-Strength
- Garnet Grosjean-A focused gaze
- Gabriele Stein-Looking Into The Clouds
- Juvenile Defending The Attack
- Karoline Cullen-momentum and strength
- Rita Chan – Lit Up
25 clubs entered the 36th Annual North Shore Photographic Challenge held on March 7th:
1st place – North Shore Photographic Society
Pts Club Name
135 North Shore Photographic Society
132 Lions Gate Camera Club
132. Vernon Photography Club
131 Comox Valley Photography Soceity
129 Delta Photo Club
129 Victoria Camera Club
Our Entries:
Elegance & Strength, George Pierce
A Focused Gaze, Garnet Grosjean
Looking into the Clouds, Gabriele Stein
Juenile Defending the Attack, David Friederich
Momentum & Strength, Karoline Cullen
Lit Up, Rita Chan