David Friederich, a self-described amateur nature photographer who likes to make pictures of birds, will present a workshop at the Delta Photo Club Meeting from 7:30 – 9:30 pm on March 6th at KinVillage Community Centre in Tsawwassen.
Friederich, a DPC member, has been photographing birds for many years, and has been recognized for his work with numerous awards. His workshop is aimed at those who would like to take photos of birds, but don’t know how to get started, and those who already “shoot birds” but could use a boost in their skills and enthusiasm. Accomplished bird photographers are welcome to share their experience and input. The workshop will feature genres of bird photography, such as birds in flight, birds looking pretty on a stick, birds mating, birds nesting and feeding their young, birds fighting, and give an overview of bird photography in BC’s lower mainland.
A digital handout will be provided that gives best places to shoot birds in BC lower mainland, resources for the bird photographer, including how and where to show their work. As more and more interest in bird photography actually threatens the birds we love, a discussion of the ethics of bird photography will be another topic of conversation.
Guests welcome, $10 by donation at the door.
Karoline Cullen