Black n White with Russel n Wendy Kwan
October 2, 2019
Workshop – Critique Night with Greg Schurman
January 8, 2020
The Delta Photo Club is pleased to welcome back Francois Cleroux on Wednesday, December 4th, 7:15 – 9:30, at the Kin Village Community Centre for his presentation “Tripod-ology.”
Do you always leave your tripod at home? Time to learn how to effectively use your tripod to bring your photography to a new level and how to let your tripod be your inspiration to more creative photography.
In the Tripod-ology class Francois will discuss tripod hardware and how to properly use your tripod. The basics of getting ultra sharp images will also be covered along with special techniques to reduce or increase depth-of-field, decrease noise in images, increasing dynamic range and increasing resolution in your images.
Creative uses for self portraits, panoramas, macro photography, ICM, low light, night photography, painting with light, long exposure, and time lapse photography will be examined along with other creative uses.
Time permitting, Francois will examine how the tripod can be used along with post processing techniques for creative trick photography for creating ‘twins’, erasing people from scenes, gloating people, creating ghosts and other tricks.
Guests welcome, $10 at the door. www.deltaphotoclub.com
Jean-Francois Cleroux
International award-winning photographer and instructor Jean-Francois Cleroux has been doing photography since eighth grade. His images have been published in magazines in Europe, India, and North America; and on the cover of Popular Photography Magazine and Photo Magazine. He has exhibited works in Canada, the USA and India and has taught in Europe the USA.
Francois loves creating images from very simple minimalist works to very large complex installations. Although most of his artistic projects are personal and not shared, he has created “tabulaRASA”, a Photographic Artists Collective, which is helps other artists create, cultivate, and refine their work and projects.
In recent years Jean-Francois has pursued his passion for street photography. He establishedwww.StreetsIHaveWalked.com to promote street photography in the Vancouver area and offers a free self-paced street photography class. There is also his FB Group StreetsIHaveWalked.
Francois has started an On-Line Photographic Artists Mentorship Program. He teaches at most clubs throughout the Lower Mainland as well as classes and workshops at his home, including a two-hour Composition Class and a 2 Day Composition Workshop.
www.NorthernExposures.com For interesting world photography and art related posts, follow Francois on Facebook: Jean-Francois Cleroux