North Shore Competition Selection
January 5, 2022Skills Development Night
January 15, 2022DPC Photo Night is Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Happy New Year everyone! I know we’re borrowing a spring metaphor, but 2022 has definitely come in like a lion….let’s hope it goes out like a lamb. We’ve had freezing temperatures, snow (a rarity in the Lower Mainland), and a surge of virus infections, but alongside all that we do have the indomitable human spirit of our members who love to photograph all sorts of things. So this month’s categories are chosen to provide a wide variety topics to photograph and possibly inspiration to get us out there to take and share mages.
The first two categories were inspired by our guest speaker Ursula Albrecht who showed us her abstract photographic art and the things that inspired her to create some of those images. Your challenge this month is to create and share Abstract Photographs (AP). These could be something you’ve already shot via ICM (intentional camera movement) or an indoor setup you’ve created using items from around the house. Some of the items Ursula said she used were vases, glass dishes, water, coloured paper and more. Ursula also talked about how music inspired her photographs and how those photographs depicted the flow of music. This ties into our second category which is, music displayed through photography. Ursula showed us photographs that she felt portrayed the movement found in certain pieces of music. We’re calling this theme, Musical Movement in Photographs (MMP).
The next theme is Snow. We’ve had a fair bit of the stuff over the last few weeks and it can be a challenge to photograph. Dealing with camera equipment in cold temperaturs and moist environments needs special attention; while the very nature of snow being white on white and very bright requires skill to photograph. Lastly and possibly most importantly, I (Holly) love snow, so bring it on!
Then we have Winter Holiday Celebrtions (WHC) as a theme. This could be Holiday light displays you’ve enjoyed, Christmas trees you’ve displayed, or traditional dishes you ate over the holidays. Anything related to winter holiday celebrations will fit the category.
The last category of course is Open for those images that don’t fit into this month’s themes. We will show these images as time permits.
Note: Each member can submit up to 3 images for each of the 5 categories.
Challenge categories are: Abstract Photographs (AB), Musical Movement in Photographs (MMP), Snow, Winter Holiday Celebrations (WHC) and Open.
Members can also send short slideshows or videos.
As a reminder we have a year long photography challenge where members are challenged to take an image of the same location, space, or item, in all four (4) of our seasons. The idea is that this location/space/item will change with the seasons and therefore represent all the changes that come each time our season and weather changes. This challenge was introduced last spring and will culminate in a presentation of member’s images Spring 2022. Note: the image you take this season (winter) isn’t shown this photo night, but will become a project/image you will share of all 4 images next spring.
Please check your email with subject “Virtual DPC Photo Night, January 12” to see the Zoom meeting details and for the link to upload your images to.
Remember, for the best display quality, images should be resized to a maximum width of 1920 pixels and a maximum height of 1080 pixels. This may not be possible with cell/tablet images so please send us the largest image possible, up to the limits indicated above.
It is important to name your files as shown below so that they can be sorted and everyone’s images can be shown.
Abstract Photographs (AP)
– AP-LastnameFirstname-1-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
Musical Movement in Photographs (MMP)
– MMP-LastnameFirstname-1-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Snow-LastnameFirstname-1-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
Winter Holiday Celebrations (WHC)
– WHC-LastnameFirstname-1-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Open-LastnameFirstname-1-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Vid_YourName_VideoTitle
– Slide_YourName_SlideshowTitle
Images, videos and slideshows should be submitted by 12:00pm, noon on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
See you online and thanks for submitting images!
Holly Egan and Cathy Stewart