Photo Night – December 11, 2024
November 28, 2024
DPC Mid-Season Membership Offer
January 5, 2025We are very pleased to announce that Judy Hancock Holland will be joining us for a coaching session on December 18, 2024 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm on Zoom. This is a perfect opportunity to help you refine and perfect those images that you are going to submit for the North Shore Challenge competition coming up in January. Recording now available for members.
The theme is open so please send in your photos of all types.
We will allow 3 images per member but please keep in mind that our coach may not have time to cover them all. For this reason we will name our images using the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The image you most want to be critiqued should be labelled #1, then your next #2 and lastly #3.
Name your images like this: 1-LastFirstname-Title
For example: 1-EganDavid-Sunrise
We will use the North Shore Challenge Image Rules:
- Maximum 1400 horizontal pixels and 1050 vertical pixels
- sRGB colour space
- jpg or JPG
Competition questions or suggestion? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at digitalcompetitions@deltaphotoclub.com