Winning Entries from the DPC In-House Digital Competition
November 26, 2024
Coaching Night on Dec. 18, 2024 with Judy Hancock Holland
December 8, 2024Our next Photo night will be by Zoom on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 7:30!
For DPC Photo Night we come up with themes and/or categories under which club members have the opportunity to submit their images to be shown to the club. We also have an Open Category for the images which don’t fit into the announced themes.
Our themes for December are as follows:
1) Fall BC Weather: Whether it be an Atmospheric River, a Bomb Cyclone, or, in other words, rainy, stormy and windy, one thing BC has is variable weather. Let’s see images reflecting our different weather conditions especially for this time of year. Don’t forget about those few beautiful sunny days as well.
2) Seasonal Lights: This is the time of year for lights. Longer nights and December’s celebrations give a lot of photographic opportunity.
3) Open: The opportunity to submit photos which don’t fit into the other categories.
It is important to name your files as shown below so that they can be sorted and everyone’s images can be shown. Our numbering system is designed to allow us to present images fairly and more by member’s preferences in a reasonable amount of time.
We will present each members’, number 1, image for all categories and then we will move to the next member. Ensure you pick the images that you most want to share. If time permits we will repeat the process, with everyone showing their number 2 images.
- Weather: LastnameFirstname-1-Weather-ImageTitle.jpgUse 2 for 2nd photo etc.
- Lights: LastnameFirstname-1-Lights-ImageTitle.jpgUse 2 for 2nd photo etc.
- Open: LastnameFirstname-1-Open-ImageTitle.jpgUse 2 for 2nd photo etc.
Videos/Slideshows: LastnameFirstname- VS- Category -VideoTitle (NOTE: Videos should be kept to 2 minutes or less in length for viewing.)
- Each member can submit up to 2 images for each of the 3 themes of 1) Weather 2) Lights 3) Open
- Each member can submit up to 1 video/slideshow per Photo Night.
Images should be submitted to photonight@deltaphotoclub.com by 10:00pm Monday, December 9, 2024. Videos and slideshows are best to be sent by a free program such as We Transfer to photonight@deltaphotoclub.com.
Remember, for the best display quality, images need to have a maximum width of 1920 pixels and a maximum height of 1080 pixels. This may not be possible with cell/tablet images so please send us the largest image possible, up to the limits indicated above.
Members – see the email announcement for the Zoom link, or find it on our Members Only page.
See you online and thank you for submitting images!
Cathy Stewart and Leah Murray, Photo Night Committee
If you have any questions, feedback or ideas for future Photo Nights please do not hesitate to contact us at: photonight@deltaphotoclub.com
See you online and thanks for submitting images!