CBBW Print Challenge Cancelled – Night’s Update Coming
February 24, 2020
Workshop – Dennis Ducklow on Creativity and Multiple Exposures
March 2, 2020- Red-Eye-Tree-Frog
- Dormancy
- Are You Sure He’s One Of Ours
- Peek-a-Boo
- Finding-His-Way
- Architectural-Splendor
- Chained
The Darkroom group hosted the 6th Pacific Zone Print Challenge on Feb 22.
145 displayed prints were on display.The jpegs of the prints as the scores were announced.
Three of the four judges (Wendy Kwan, Derek Hayes, Bob Ito, Russel Kwan) attended and gave us their comments on their favourite prints.
Our Club member submissions:
Emma at the Bar, George Pierce
Reye Eye Tree Frog, Larry Leslie
Dormancy, Vinh Lam
Are You Sure He’s One of Ours, David Friederich
Peek-a-Boo, Karoline Cullen
Find His Way, Rita Chan
Architectural Splendor, Ian Logie
Boundary Bay, Gerry Alston
Chained, Bob Grand-Scrutton