Cameras & Coffee February 29th
February 14, 2020
CBBW Print Challenge Cancelled – Night’s Update Coming
February 24, 2020North Shore Camera Club is hosting their annual photo competition on Saturday, March 7th. As a club we submitted 6 digital images to this competition and some submitted individual entries. This is a fun night viewing great images so hopefully you will join us. Tickets are $20.00 online before the event and $22.00 at the door.
Let us know if you are interested in joining us at Milestones for dinner before attending the evening of the North Shore Challenge.
The plan is:
4:30 Dinner:
-Location: Milestones – Park Royal, West Vancouver
North Shore Challenge:
Doors open 6:00, Selection starts at 7:00
-Location: Kay Meek Arts Centre,
1700 Mathers Ave. West Vancouver
Come out for dinner with club members or just attend the event. It’s good to see what other clubs have submitted and how our club places in the competition.
Please send an email to digitalcompetitions@deltaphotoclub.com if you want to join us at Milestones and I will add you to the reservation.
Here is the link to the North Shore Challenge details and option to purchase tickets: https://www.nsps.ca/2020-north-shore-photographic-challenge/
Hope to see you there!
Lien Ho,
George Pierce