Narrative Portraiture with Adolfo Rozenfeld

MyPic-YourEdits October Challenge
October 23, 2020
PDPC 16th Photomotion will be presented online FOC
November 4, 2020
MyPic-YourEdits October Challenge
October 23, 2020
PDPC 16th Photomotion will be presented online FOC
November 4, 2020

Delta Photo Club’s “Season of Zoom” travels to far flung Argentina at 7:30 pm, Wednesday, November 4 with a workshop on Narrative Portraiture with Buenos Aires based photographer and writer Adolfo Rozenfeld. 

In this workshop he examines the importance of establishing a connection with his subject, the use of elements such as location, available light, colours and composition to create images that tell stories about his subjects in an engaging and emotional way.

He’s been honing his craft in portrait photography for 25 years. Distinctive for the use of moody and painterly lighting, deep colours, and most importantly, storytelling, his portraiture offers viewers with engaging experience, a sense of intimacy and closeness with subjects. Adolfo believes that a portrait is an opportunity to present a person and to tell their story to others, and he tries to accomplish that with light, narrative and emotion. Adolfo’s clients are often musicians, poets, writers, and film-makers, but his love for the art can also be seen in portraits of his kids, friends, and even strangers in everyday settings such as Buenos Aires’ old and characterful bars, cafes or parks.

Adolfo has been teaching at Argentina’s National Film School for 15 years and has been leading portrait and lighting workshops that kept evolving in nature, contents and methods since 2012. With the world pandemic in 2020, he has begun holding online versions of this course, both locally and internationally. In 2019, he published his first book – Presente Continuo, featuring his photographs and short non-fiction stories.




The Zoom link will be sent out on the afternoon of the 4th.

To attend this Zoom presentation by this talented photographer:

a) Become a member of the Delta Photo Club by filling out the membership form at For 2020/21, Individual member dues are $40.00; Family (up to 4) $70.00; Student/Youth $25.00

b) Attend as a guest by sending an e-transfer for $10.00 to by 10 am, Tuesday November 3. You will then be sent the link for the meeting on the 4th.

Should you have any questions about the Photo Club or using the Zoom platform,

“See” you then!

DPC 1970 – 2020: 50 Years of Photography