Delta Photo Club’s “Season of Zoom” continues at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, February 3rd with “In Search of the Perfect Flower Photograph” by award-winning photographer Kasandra Sproson.
She states, “Trying to create the perfect flower image has become an endless journey for me as I try to portray the essence, the soul, of my subjects. In this presentation I will share how and why I choose a subject and which style will best suit the message I hope to create. Topics we will discuss include techniques and tools I use to create in camera images (SOOC) or to prepare for those that will I will process into artwork in Photoshop.”
Kasandra has always had a special fascination with flowers and after retiring she began using photography to explore their world intimately. Her fine art imagery is a visual expression of her spiritual and emotional connection with the world, created through artistic photographic techniques and digital enhancements that often reflect a dreamlike or ethereal quality.
Her work has been recognized nationally and locally. She has won numerous medals and awards through the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (CAPA) and photography club sponsored competitions. Some of her images have been spotlighted in “Beautiful British Columbia” and chosen for cover pages for the Arts Council of Surrey’s “Spotlight” and CAPA’s” Canadian Camera” magazines which also featured her written article and images on macro photography.
To attend:
a) Become a member of the Delta Photo Club by filling out the membership form at
b) Attend as a guest by sending an e-transfer for $10.00 to by 10 am, Wednesday, February 3rd.
The Zoom link for the meeting will be sent later in the afternoon of February 3rd.
Should you have any questions about the Photo Club or using the Zoom platform, email
“See” you on February 3rd!
Your Learning Committee,
Karoline, Val, and Vinh
DPC 1970 – 2020: 50 Years of Photography