Workshop – Critique Night with Greg Schurman
January 8, 2020
Workshop – Creative Multiple Exposure
March 4, 2020Due to the Kin Village Book Sale on January 29th, the decision has been made to combine the selection for both Pacific Zone Print Challenge and North Shore Photographic Challenge on February 5th, 2020.
The Pacific Zone Print selection will be held first and followed by the NSPC selection.
Here are the details for each competition:
** Pacific Zone Print Challenge Selection
DPC will be selecting 10 print images for the Pacific Zone Print Challenge competition at its next meeting on Feb 5 , 7:15 – 9:30 at the KinVillage Community Centre
Members may enter up to 3 images for the selection process. This is an open
competition, but images must meet standards of decorum and public taste. Judging will be handled by 3 DPC members giving scores out of 10. The scores will be tallied by our computer and software.
Sizing and Mounting: Mimimum size of print is 8” by 10” (or 80 square inches) and a maximum size for the print and mat is 16” x 20″. Panorama prints are accepted but must be at least 6” high to a maximum of 20” wide. Full edge-to-edge prints are permitted.
Prints should be mounted on a single backing board (not foam core or styrofoam) and matted with either a black or white mat. Make sure the mountings are tight so they don’t come apart with handling.
Identification details must be neatly contained on a label attached to the reverse upper right hand corner and include:
Name of the Photographer:
Club Name:
Provide a plastic or cellophane sleeve to protect your image.
If your image is selected, a 1400 x 1050 digital image (jpg) of your print will be needed to complete the Club’s submission.
Good luck!
David Friederich
Print Competition Chair
** North Shore Photographic Challenge Selection
Wednesday, February 5th, we will be selecting our club images for the 36th Annual North Shore Challenge competition.
Please send in your best images before noon on Tuesday Feb. 4th.
Summary of details:
– This is an “Open” competition so all types of images work and digital manipulation is allowed.
It must be your image and it cannot have been previously entered in the North Shore Challenge.
Images used in other CAPA competitions are not a problem.
– Maximum width of 1400 pixels, maximum height of 1050 pixels.
– Send your images to digitalcompetitions@deltaphotoclub.com (mailto:digitalcompetitions@deltaphotoclub.com)
We will reply to your submission, so if you do not get a reply by the end of the day (hopefully quicker than that), then check the email address and send it again.
– Label your images as follows: #-YourName-ImageTitle.jpg
For example: 1-JohnDoe-PhotoOne.jpg 2-JohnDoe-PhotoTwo.jpg
– Colour Space: sRGB
– Each member can submit up to 3 images.
Image selection will be done at the club meeting by club member judges since we need to be faster than usual with a combined night of digital and print competition selection.
We look forward to seeing a great variety of images for the competition.
You can also enter this competition as an individual and do not need to be a CAPA member. You may submit up to 3 images, although not an image that will be used by our club, by February 12, 2020. Note that North Shore PS pre-screens the images and will only show at most 1 image at the competition.
For full details from the North Shore Photographic Society, please see link below:
The final judging will take place on Saturday March 7th, 2020 at the Kay Meek Centre for the Performing Arts, West Vancouver.
There are usually many members who get together for dinner prior to the event.
Details for this will be sent out nearer the time.