Photo Night

Photo Night
January 17, 2024
Photo Night
March 13, 2024
Photo Night
January 17, 2024
Photo Night
March 13, 2024
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Photo Night


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Event Type

Our upcoming photo night will be on Valentine’s Day! What better way to celebrate than spending time with others who share a love of photography.

Another note is that we are implementing a new numbering system as indicated below. Each member will go through their top, number one, images/videos for all categories and then we’ll move to the next person. So ensure you pick the images/videos you most want to share. If time permits we will repeat the process, with everyone showing their number two images/videos.

Our themes for February are as follows:
1) Love: Love is in the air! As a theme it can be interpreted in a variety of ways, from familial love to love shown by wildlife, animals or…… use your imagination!
2) Red: We haven’t done colours in a while and what better month than to include this particular colour. Red shows up everywhere. A challenge could be using Photoshop to change an object’s different colour into red.
3) Series: Taking inspiration from Rick Hulbert’s workshop presentation on creating a series, we’re asking members to share their current series work. A series of images is an ideal way for a photographer to explore a subject beyond a single image. In Rick’s presentation he asked that each photographer create an artist statement — a statement talking about the why of photographing the images and the inspiration behind the series. Members are asked to address these two aspects in 100 words or less, so that all members will have a chance to share.
4) Open: The opportunity to submit photos which don’t fit into the other categories.

It is important to name your files as shown below so that they can be sorted and everyone’s images can be shown.
– LastnameFirstname-1-Love-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
2) Red
– LastnameFirstname-1-Red-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
3) Open
– LastnameFirstname-1-Open-ImageTitle
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
4) Series
– LastnameFirstname-1-Series1-ImageTitle
– LastnameFirstname-1-Love-VideoTitle
– LastnameFirstname-1-Red-VideoTitle
Use 2 for 2nd video/slideshow etc.
– Videos should be kept to a reasonable length for viewing.

  • Each member can submit up to 2 images for each of the 3 themes of 1)Love 2)Red 3) Open
  • Each member can submit up to 3 images for the 4) Series
  • Each member can submit up to 2 videos/slideshows per photo night.

Images/videos/slideshows should be submitted to by 12:00pm, noon on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

Remember, for the best display quality, images should be resized to a maximum width of 1920 pixels and a maximum height of 1080 pixels. This may not be possible with cell/tablet images so please send us the largest image possible, up to the limits indicated above.

Zoom Meeting Details for February 14 Photo Night are provided in an e-mail with subject “Delta Photo Club Photo Night February 14, 2024”

See you online and thanks for submitting images!

Holly Egan and Cathy Stewart