Workshop: “Take the Mystery Out of Outdoor Portraiture” by Greg Schurman
September 5, 2021
Workshop Photos: Take the Mystery Out of Outdoor Portraiture with Greg Schurman
September 19, 2021Welcome back! I’m excited for another season of seeing your great images and hearing how you captured them. We’re still virtual for the time being but for many of us this is a great format for sharing members’ photography.
This year we’ll contiue with many of the same formats and will be alterating between the standard format, which will focus on the challenge categories and showing the images submitted for that category, and the alternate format where members choose their top image to discuss from any challenge category and once everyone has discussed their first choice we move on to a member’s second choice image.This month it’s all about showing all images within each challenge category.
Your first challenge category is all about getting down low and viewing the world from that angle–called ‘Ant View’. This view can highlight things from a whole new perspective. It can enhance things that we often only see from above. This is also a great way to capture the elements of the next category which is ‘leading lines’. You may have to decide which category your image best fits into. Leading lines can help bring your audience into your image and to guide them around the image, or leading lines can be used as a dominant design feature. Another challenge category this month pays homage to the summer sun. Look for those images that have sunbursts, sun rays, sunsets, sunrises, images that feature the light that is specific to the sun–not just a sunny day.
It’s the beginning of a new season and we’ve got a call out for banner submissions. We’d love to display member images on our website and each page needs a banner, so please submit your images. To ensure your image will be able to be displayed on the website please size it as 650 x 1920 px.
In case we’ve missed an image you would love to share in the challenge, there is the ‘Open’ category that will be shown if time permits.
Challenge categories are: Ant View, Leading Lines, Sun, Banners and Open
Note: Each member can submit up to 2 images for each of the challenge categories
As a reminder we have a year long photography challenge where members are challenged to take an image of the same location, space, or item, in all four (4) of our seasons . The idea is that this location/space/item will change with the seasons and therefore represent all the changes that come each time our season and weather changes. This challenge was introduced last spring and will culminate in a presentation of member’s images Spring 2022. Note: the image you take this season (summer or fall) isn’t shown this photo night, but will become a project/image you will share of all 4 images next spring.
Members can also send short slideshows or videos.
Remember, for the best display quality, images should be resized to a maximum width of 1920 pixels and a maximum height of 1080 pixels. This may not be possible with cell/tablet images so please send us the largest image possible, up to the limits indicated above.
It is important to name your files as shown below so that they can be sorted and everyone’s image can be shown.
Ant View (AV)
– AV-LastnameFirstname-1-
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
Leading Lines (LL)
– LL-LastnameFirstname-1-
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
Sunbursts, sun rays, sunset, sunrise (Sun)
– Sun-LastnameFirstname-1-
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Banner-LastnameFirstname-
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Open-LastnameFirstname-1-
Use 2 for 2nd photo etc.
– Vid_YourName_VideoTitle
– Slide_YourName_
Images should be uploaded to: https://deltaphotoclub.com/
Videos and slideshows are best to be sent via a free program such as We Transfer. and submitted to photonight@deltaphotoclub.com
See you online and thanks for submitting images!
Holly Egan