Digital Night – Sep 18
September 13, 2019
Introduction to Digital Photography Workshop by Francois Cleroux
September 15, 2019Hi Everyone,
Join co-workshop chair Karoline Cullen and co-prez Robin Bains at Nat’s Coffee House (formerly Woods) this Saturday, August 17th for “Cameras and Coffee”.
Bring your camera if you have some questions about using it or a processing question or some photos to share for critique or something for show and tell. Let’s talk about what you have been shooting this summer and your upcoming photo projects.
Date: Saturday September 28, 2019
Time: 9:30 AM
Place: Nat’s Coffee House. Tsawwassen Springs
5133 Springs Boulevard, Tsawwasen, BC V4M 0A6
See you there!
Robin Bains and Karoline Cullen
Co-Coffee Aficionados 🙂