AGM & Photographer of the Year
May 19, 2020
The Changing Light Exhibit
May 21, 2020Seven workshops and two skill development classes were held this season.
We enjoyed presentations on:
Fine Art Architecture by Sharon Tennenbaum
Black and White Photography with Russ and Wendy Kwan
Story Telling with film director Nick Humphries
Francois Cleroux covered Tripodology,
Greg Schurman did a critique session
Dennis Ducklow inspired us with his presentation on Multiple Exposures, and
Holly Egan covered Cell Phone Photography.
We had two workshops cancelled – one for a print selection night and one because of COVID 19. Francois Cleroux ran parts one and two of his introduction to photography sessions called Photo 101.
Special thanks to Roger Lasell for doing the 50-50 draws. The proceeds helped fund the honorariums paid to the presenters.
Any suggestions for digital platform workshops for next season are welcome.
Karoline Cullen